Welcome to Shop Better

Shop Better is a search engine of local and ethical businesses that help you find products in your local area that you would otherwise need to buy online or from big-box retailers.

Only products that come from businesses close to you that meet our community standards will appear in search results. These include factors like labor-friendly practices, low environmental impact, and contributions to the local economy.

Community Standards

In order to be included on this website, stores need to conform to the following standards:

Local business

Drop shippers, big-box stores and private equity-captured stores whose ownership are not associated with the location of the store are excluded from consideration.

Fair labor practices

Stores which have any exploitative labor practices will not be listed on this store. Fair labor practices include reasonable compensation for employees, non-interference in unionization efforts of employees, and adequate breaks, time off, and sick policy.

Support the local economy or commerce

Stores must have a positive effect on the local economy to be included in this list. This means the store hires local employees, their employees do not need to rely on social security or other assistance programmes in order to afford to work there, and do not manipulate local government for excessive subsidies and tax avoidance.

Shops in our search engine

The following shops can be searched directly from this website:

Note: This is not a complete list of stores which follow our community standards, since we are constantly working on adding new stores to the website.